IVCA Vision News No 1
No.1      Sept  13 --- 2001
            Keeping  Amateurs  informed on Developments in Visual Communication around the world
This is the first official I.V C.A VISION news letter Using e--mail. To get
the news letter back up and running we used the QRZ web page to locate the
e-mail address information for all of the members. As some don't have an
e-mail service provider or are not listed we will send them a normal surface
Snail Mail VISION news letter. Most feel the web based news letter is
preferable and can be sent at a reduced cost. I have no experience with desk
top publishing however several sample newsletters I have made and sent were
found satisfactory by the members. I would also like to bring to the attent
ion of all the members we now have, an e-mail reflector provided by Yahoo
available that members can use to exchange information and request help etc.
To learn more about the IVCA reflector group , please visit

You can send e-mail to all IVCA members at the following
In order to publish an interesting and informative news letter, the members
can send any information on slow scan television new products or
hardware/software information and also any details on activity of a general
interest to me at

In the past I have made several sample
news letters trying to determine the best method to use. I found I could
compress a web page to a fraction of it's size using a Real Media "RM" format.
This however requires that a free software program "Real Player" be
installed. I understand that most now days have the Real Player installed if
not it is free and available for down load at
http://www.real.com>http://www.real.com I would like to know if you have
the Real Player installed as it makes it practical to send a smaller file size and
even short video with sound can be sent in e-mail.

For future VISION news letters I would like your suggestions, Ideas and
inputs. I believe that the PC has been a tremendous help providing simple
inexpensive SSTV hardware and operating systems. I presently use several of
the free web Video and Voice mail programs that have the advantage of color,sound
and motion to be sent over the web.
(The old timers that constructed P7 CRT monitors and Vidicon cam's and Flyin
Spot scanners, I'm sure find the cheap color cams' and PC sound card set-ups a

I'm not sure if you had a problem connecting Mic, Sound Cards and Speakers
etc. to your Xceiver and PC (Out of necesity I designed a special switch box
interface some time back to solve this problem) We now have several new
commercial Interface Box devices to use for the digital and SSTV modes, The
newest one is by TigerTronics the SL-1 Signal Link at $49.95 see QST Oct. 2001
for details we also have similar devices by the Rig Blaster Co, and MFJ
Enterprises Note: you can down load digital and SSTV programs from some of
their web pages.
I'll keep this a little plain Jane (No color or graphics) and a little
short and see if this group mail thing realy works. See you on the Saturday
14.230 Mhz net. 
                                               Happy Viewing   73  Ray W5NOO EDITOR


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