SSTV QRM (causes and
As we have indicated in the past VISION news, the practice of sending
a graphic CQ without a voice announcement first, giving the Call and QTH and
Mode, is an increasing problem. As a result of the easy and inexpensive approach
to SSTV using computers with sound cards and software programs,
has helped to increase the number of SSTV operators to thousands world
wide. As these SSTV programs don't come with general operating
instructions, we need to inform new operators of the proper
procedures to help eliminate the QRM problems. An interesting web
site that Nils Gustav SM5EEP (the number one winning SSTV DX operator) has at where he gives
information and suggestions on this QRM problem and also has some good DX
photos etc. Unfortunately SSTV is unlike the (WinPSKse a digital mode text
program) or some of the web Video Phone programs that can successfully receive
two or more stations at a time. With SSTV we just lose the proper sync or some
times get a mix or possibly alternate and combine two or more pictures
in a single frame!.)
. The Advantages of USB ( Your limited If you
don't have USB on your computer, we now have USB connections to what ever)
If you have an older computer with out the USB connections you can probably
upgrade to USB 1.1 type PCI Two port plug-in adapter card, some
for as little as $10 and for more money install a backward compatible newer USB
2.0 type card with a speed similar to firewire. (Firewire adapter plug-in
cards are also available) You can then take advantage of the new inexpensive USB
cameras and numerous devices like external scanners and CD burners and
computer file transfer/networking cables and hard drives or digital camera
inputs and the small thumb sized plug in flash storage devices etc. Note:
with the purchase of additional powered USB hubs in a daisy chain connection you
are not limited to the small number of standard windows serial and parallel
devices but can have up to 127 hot plug and play devices connected. Even a USB
to parallel printer adaptor cable is available, as the typical single normal
parallel port will limit you, usually to only two devices in
a maximum daisy chain. You can add more serial and parallel port PCI
cards but you usually run out of slots or have computer interrupt conflicts or
interrupt shortages. Note:some older hardware is still "plug and pray" not "plug
and play" .My computers so far seems to recognize all the USB devices and
load them or request some new software to be installed to make them
functional even on a Win98 and also a WinXP computer! (USB is the
best thing since sliced bread)
Practical Use for the Old PC
(recycle that old boat-anchor into something useful)
If you have some old unused computers around the house or can obtain one at
the trash dump etc. it's power supply can be removed and converted
inexpensively into a 13.8 Volt DC switcher supply to run a HF 100 W
transceiver. Note:a modified 350 W computer power supply will provide 20 amps DC
continuous. For the complete details see the St Louis Switcher article in
QST magazine May 2002 page 35. Or perhaps you could have a bench supply and
get rid of all those darn 12 Volt power cubes that take up all your 117 VAC
receptacles as well.. (An excellent project if your on a fixed income or a tight
budget with spare time.)
Some Slow Scan History (or the
rapid evolution of SSTV systems and equipment)
I'm sure most Amateurs remember the first radio contact or first girl/boy
friend and surely their first SSTV picture received as I do with that old
home brew McDonald P7 CRT receiver, the picture was an American Flag with
reversed video (.black stars on a white field due to a reversed diode
connection) I have also over the years used a number of hardware and software
arrangements and cameras and scanners etc. to send and receive SSTV
including the following. The A&A Engineering View Port VGA
external hardware parallel port unit with various software and TSR
arrangements, the Vester home brew interface and software programs, the
following DOS simple interface programs including the GSH-PC, MSCAN, HI-SCAN and
PROSCAN and the Pasocon TV lite and the JVFAX and also the Pasokon Pro
plugin card and software systems . We have also ran several windows based SSTV
programs with an IBM computer sound card arrangement using
the following software; Win PIX Pro.and WIN95SSTV and JV-COM
including the ChromaPIX along with WinPix32. and MMSSTV setups. I will say
they are all fun and seem to improve with new versions or upgrades and have
lots of new features. And the FAQ we still get is. "what's
the best or most fun SSTV setup"?.We have not had a chance to try them all
but I'll have to say, "my first home brew outfit with the P7 CRT and
the Flying spot scanner, was the most exciting." (or sort of like my first
automobile) even though I'll admit it was only a small black & white
with very low 120 line quality display. Us Old timers just tend to remember the
past as better than it really was back when we built it all "home
brew style" with tubes, etc. or as we now just like to
call it "the good old days"!. Ray W5NOO
The Need for News and those Confusing
As we have previously requested and still need the viewers to send in
any news they may have. We are so desperate that you can even let us know
if you cat has had kittens or if your little league team won etc. I
have also received some e-mail from viewers thanking me for my efforts and
we sure appreciate it.(being editor of the VISION "is a tough job but someone
has to do it") In the mean while (or as they say "back at the
ranch") I'll have to use material that we hope will be useful or
interesting like computer tips and new product information. As an
example some time back we attempted to start a computer club in my small
Oklahoma town.and I was amazed to learn of the various problems folks have
trying to use computers, like one person that had crashed a hard drive and asked
me to copy their e-mail files off on to some floppy's that could then be
installed on a new computer I then discovered that there were
well over 4000 old e-mail files installed as apparently they had never learned
how to delete or even copy a file. Most like me seem to have
problems with their confusing personal computers. Note:(Like we finally figured
out you have to press the Insert key to add a word in the middle of a sentence
or it all just keeps moving around) We felt most could also use some help
especially as so many are starting to use the sound card SSTV software
programs and the various digital modes and numerous computer functions like
e-mail and video mail and video phone programs etc. ( We still hear a
large number continuing to ask for help with a new SSTV programs
and also for help with some of various PC problems on the popular SSTV
Computer Tips &
Tricks (useful password hack when you forget)
As we have over 150 programs installed I commonly am requested to provide a
pass word to open a program but have forgotten or lost it, To solve this
problem you can install a small freeware program the
Recoverpassword" version 3.01 that will provide a small program
only (171Kb) that will let you also put a Icon picture of a "Key" on your
desktop to turn it on and then just drag the little resulting program "key"
icon over to the little password star type asterisk letter symbols that's
used to hide a programs text password and this will recover the password.
Just click the following URL to download this slick program at Note:
This program works on Win 9x/NT/2000/XP operating systems and is easier than
e-mailing the program provider to obtain a lost password. (Warning:
Hackers be sure to only use this program at home on your own personal
PC) ( it's just not nice to steal peoples passwords!)
Google Search Engine Tips (More
new functions)
I believe Google is the best search engine as it can also do the
following 1.
Image Search (Just describe a picture) 2.
Catalog Search (for Color catalogs) 3.
News Search
(up to date news stories) 4.
Collage &
University Search 5.
Computer Platform Search (for Mac/BSD Unix/ Linux/
Windows Information) 6
.Web Site Language
Translations. (convert a web
Just select the type of search at or type of function
you require!.
Computer backups
(what is the cheapest and best way to perform this important
If or should I say when you get a Hard Drive failure or crash or a virus or
worm you will quickly see the advantage to backing up your important data. We
now have a number of ways to do this. As most new computers don't come with
CD recorders but usually only a CD player but you can change to
a CD recorder/player drive or you can even use a external
USB type or even a faster USB 2.0 external recorder for
even a faster burn speeds. At present the cheapest storage is on a compact
disk that holds at least 650 Mb on a read only "CD-R" or a read and
rewriteable CD-RW disk for long term storage.As the low cost recording tape type
storage drives are going out of production and the removable ZIP or floppies
disk only hold a maximum of 1.4meg to 250Kb and have a much shorter storage
life span. The CD burners are now cheep and storage cost is down to around
one cent per Mb. Note: The new DVD recorders can burn a 4.7Gig's size disk but
the drive hardware cost is just now only down to around $350 in the US
and DVD storage disk cost is also much higher than a recordable CD
disk! (a total hard drive back up using a second or an external USB
connected hard drive is also nice but not usually necessary as most will
have all the operating system and basic programs on CD's and floppies etc.and
the simple drag and drop method to copy selected files using the CD burner
software is easy and handy to use. We also have special software for automatic
scheduled back-up available like the Second Copy etc. but most Amateurs
will probably not find this necessary. Note: If I do a HD format and a
complete reinstall on this computer it will take me around 16 hours of labor as
we have had to do it in the past before we had a second computer connected
with a USB File/Program transfer cable device and also a ZIP 100 Mb
and a Imation Super 120 Mb floppy drive removeable storage back-up
arrangements . (Note:Those 30 Gig or larger Hard
Drives sure can hold lot's of pictures,programs and data to put back
when you are forced to! This is all epically disgusting after some of
those bad Windows 9X problems develop that you just were unable to fix
even after all your efforts and the numerous unsuccessful attempts.)
Happy Viewing write if you have news or get a
job! 73 Ray W5NOO