IVCA Vision News No. 19
May 28-  2002
         Keeping  Amateurs  informed on Developments in Visual Communication around the world
  2002 Dayton Hamvention  IVCA Meetings ( Information submitted by Don Miller W9NTP and Farrell Winder W8ZCF)
Dayton is over and quite a success we had 35 people attending the hotel meeting and the New IVCA Officers were elected. The new President is now Clarence Fowler WA0TSL and the New Vice President is Robert S Robinson W9RSR that also conducts the SSTV WAS program and  the new Secretary/Editor is Marlin Alberty KA8LWR  The programs presented on May 17.2002  were "The Rigblaster" by John Lalotai. N1OLO and " SSTV from the satellites" by Dr. Robert Suding W0LMD Dr.Suding presented 700 + pictures received through several satellites including 600 from AO-40 and described antenna controllers and feeds which he researched and developed and manufactured for use with AO-4O. His web page is http://www.ultimatecharger.com/dish.html with a wealth of information on this subject. John Lalotai N1OLO provided a program on the Rigblaster Interface unit used for SSTV and the various digital modes using computer sound card operations. The Dayton forum room was filled on Saturday May 18  and Ralph Taggert WB8DTQ Talked about his new ARRL book on Visual Communication and discussed how easy it is to get on SSTV. This was followed by Barry Sanderson KB9VAK Bringing us up to date on improvements with "Digital HDSSTV" If any one is interested or would like to participate, contact Don W9NTP at Wyman@svs.net . Hank Cantrell W4HTB Showed a tape from Miles Man WF1F, discussing the work that has been done on the International Space Station for SSTV and other ham operations. Early next year looks like the soonest that we can expect SSTV from the ISS.  Farell Winder W8ZCF, Showed,some very fine SSTV pictures he has received from AO-40. We encourage everyone to get interested in AO-40 SSTV because it works well and the satellite is not over populated. The pictures come down at 2401 MHz.  

     Web Picture Phone/ Net Cam  Operation  (No transceiver or antenna or even an Amateur license required)
As most know SSTV and fast scan TV  are  not the only ways to communicate using video. The hardware used for SSTV and a Windows computer that is using special video programs will also permit you to not only exchange pictures including JPG,BMP and GIF files that are usually sent in your normal e-mail as inserts or background or attachments but you can also exchange two way live video with motion and sound over the web. If you only have a telephone dialup modem (28.8KB or faster) connection and a 330Mhz or faster computer with a camera attached with USB or a camera and capture connection arrangement). There are numerous freeware  and shareware and also commercial programs you can purchase or download, and use, to run live two-way video phone, even with your non-amateur friends. You can do a web search for "Video Phone" or search for a particular program by it's name or just click the following URL and signup at the ZDNet Downloads at   http://downloads-zdnet.com.com/3120-20-0.html?qt=5ptfwc5&tg=dl-2001&SWLink=n&tag=sptlt  where you can down load several of the Video Phone programs and  various useful software. These video programs provide a way to select your camera and audio setup and also provide for a self view. A schedule will also have to be arranged with your friends that are logged on to the selected program and also on line to make a video phone call connection. I have used a number of the web video phone and also video mail  programs in the past includingiPhone 4/5, WebCam 32, Paltalk, iVisit, EyeBall and Yahoo Messenger,CUseeMe,WebCam,Audio Vision,Intel,Win98/XP /Net Meeting, etc.just to mention a few and also several free Video programs from companies that are no longer in business as you might expect. Most programs also have ways to log in to the user directories of various category's  and contact folks and monitor conversations etc.One video phone program "iVisit" even permits conference video connections with several stations at the same time on screen and also runs on an IBM and Mac platform as I remember. Some of the free Video Phone programs may have popup/ popunder advertisements and also problems with poor audio quality, or drop-outs and disconnects, and audio echo's etc. however some programs have very high quality Video with fair frame rates that permit reasonable screen motion using a codex or compression method.Some even have an adjustable transmit and self view picture window size adjustment. Some programs  have near Hi Fi audio quality. At any rate we believe that an almost free long distance two way net cam video phone call with a picture that's in color with motion and sound, is not a bad idea,especially when your antenna is not working, (like mine at present)! (On the web I find talking is easier than typing and I also like to see and hear who is on the other end. I can  also pan around and show off my shack,etc.and besides you even get to say things just like in some of the old Holly Wood movie productions, "I'm ready for my close up now Mr. DeMille")  Ray W5NOO

       Removing Bad Cookies, and Tracking Spy-ware etc.     (it's a jungle out there on the web) 
If you go to lot's of web sites and down load lots of programs you will probably get infected with the various "Spyware" and bad cookies and tracking parasites that infect your system. To locate and remove these you can eliminate this problem if you download the free German/English program  "Ad-aware"  by Lavasoft at the following URL with a mouse click!
 ( This  is a  multi spyware removal utility designed for all  Win9x / ME / NT40 / W2000 platforms.  It scans your system and drives for components of known spyware type parasites and lets you remove them safely.) read the complete details in it's help files. (Note: we have checked all our drives and found and removed over 30 of these parasites)  I believe the typical anti-virus and filter programs will not locate or remove these tracking parasites! And just when  you thought the e-mail spam and web pop-up and pop-under banner ads were bad, and you were safe from hackers with a anti-virus program running, and a Firewall. and even with your file sharing turned off,and you browser security set on high, you still can  have computer security and privacy problems! "Gasp"   Ray W5NOO

      Web Page and  Language Text Conversion  (Attention non English viewers for help with this e-mail page!)
To view an HTML web page text in a different language and also use the mouse pointer wipe and copy text function. You can convert  a number of  languages for free if you click the following URL    http://www.t-mail.com/index2.shtml   (Note: the operating instructions are even available in various languages).You can use the "Sail the Web" / T-Sail to convert a web page and use the "T-Text" / Paste Text  function  to do a wipe, and copy this e-mail text into the program for a conversion to a selected language. You can also use the carbon copy or the Cc: in normal e-mail if you type in the following information in the little Cc: window  English-German@T-Mail.com as an example to specify and send your normal e-mail that is then also converted to a foreign language you have specified.. (You may wish to put this T-mail URL in your browser Favorites to help with information for converting foreign language web pages to a language of your choice or also how to convert your e-mail to English or a different language to send.) Note: language conversion accuracy may only be 90% and special fonts are required to be installed, for example with Japanese. (Give it a try and send me some e-mail I would like to hear from you using the T-Mail Cc: computer e-mail English function) as no knowledge of English is required! (Wow these computers are sure getting smart and even know lot's of foreign languages!)......... Ray W5NOO  ray@junct.com

       Computer Tips  (Let's check that confusing 'puter system out)
To check you computers hardware and software and performance you can do a Google search for, and download and install the following programs "Bellarc Advisor" (a free program that runs off line and can also do your complete systems print out). and  "Sandra" (a free demo that checks your system and settings and performance of your processor,memory, drives, etc.) or possibly the one available at http://www.karenware.com  called "Computer Profiler" one of several of "Karen's power tools"  that gives information on your hardware etc.  We use the three preceeding programs to check the computers configuration and performance and print out a complete history of the system setup and  hardware and all the software that's installed, etc.
( Note: My IBM computer can do almost everything, including cooking that is when a fan quits, it however don't always do Windows ). Hi Hi
  Note: If you type "CONF" in the little desktop RUN window and click OK  it starts to configure or run the MS NetMeeting program when using a Win98 or WinXT computer.   

         QST Magazine Article "Getting Started with SSTV" in PDF format!
If you don't subscribe to QST but  would like to read or print out the QST article by me published back in Sept 1997 "Getting Started with SSTV" click the ARRL Link URL .(Note: you will have to first have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, (a free PDF type  file viewing and printing program at  http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/main.html  after it's installed click the following .to view and print.out the article in color on any operating system or platform. at the following URL  http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/pdf/99753.pdf   (It's an old article without the very latest SSTV programs but still useful for beginners and it's also useful to have the Acrobat PDF reader installed anyway) If you only just wish to read the complete original unedited article "Getting Started with SSTV" see my home web page at http://www.junct.com/ramon    Ray W5NOO

      New Digital Wireless Web Cam/PDA etc. Device  (A look into the future of wireless video communications)
As we have indicated before you ain't seen nothin' yet!  The new Richo RDC-1700 is a small (6.2 X 3.7 X 1,3 Inch) device with a 3.34-megapixle camera equipped with a 3.5 inch LCD TFT  rotating color viewing screen that also has motion and sound recording functions that can use a wireless send function using 802.11b and also the faster 3G operation where available. This remarkable little device is designed for the corporate market as the cost is $1,299.  It has resolution as high as 2048 X 1536 with a 6MB of recordable internal flash memory. It has a touch screen and 3x optical zoom and operates with the Mac and Windows systems using internet protocols. A remarkable device with e-mail and web browsing and FTP that provides very high quality digital pictures and all this as a wireless portable device operating on battery power yet. (Ok so it don't include a cell phone function or a DVD and a MP3 player etc. but it could run wireless web Video Phone I believe) .If we ever get the fast wireless G3 network operating in the USA this will be a excellent device and we just like every thing about it but the price!  (Note: lot's of new multi function devices coming out almost every day like the new combination cell phone, Cam,PDA,etc.devices)

     New Low cost Robot Dog by Sony Co, Batteries & Software Included  (Digital Photography Is just going to the dogs)
 We will soon have a new AIBO type robot dog by Sony Co. that sells for only $599 list that can respond to 75 voice commands and perform things like wake up and dance etc. but also has a routine where it walks around and photographs things of interest and saves them on an internal memory stick. (I wonder what it finds interesting? perhaps a fire plug or just some more robot Dogs!) Hi Hi    (Note: My Intel USB web cam will snap a picture if it detects motion but doesn' t move around and search for subjects to photograph like the Sony Robo Dog cam, however, so far the Sony Robot dogs are unable to reproduce or replicate! them selves with out more engineering and technical development but are just manufactured clones ) Note: We now even have a new small 4inch size remotely operated, radio controled model tank, that takes video pictures and transmits them to a standard home TV. for $50. and also some one inch long little radio controled cars available on E-Bay or let's just start to think small at Toys-R-Us!

     New VISION Editor (contact the new VISION editor at ka8lwr@bright.net )
The newly elected Secretary/ Editor Marlin Alberty KA8LWR will soon be taking over the VISION operation and I hope the viewers will give their support and send him information to put in the news letter so we can have a useful and interesting publication.

                                                      Happy Viewing  73 Ray W5NOO (past Editor/Director IVCA)


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